Habitat for Humanity Beloved Community Project-Update
Westminster joined other 3rd Avenue Churches to participate in a Beloved Community Habitat build on 3rd Avenue Sept. 7 and 8. On World Habitat Day, Oct. 1, they keys were turned over to the new owners, Donacien Nzeyimana and Safila Fedisoni. It was a joyous dedication ceremony.

Habitat Board President, Randy Marks hands Sofila Fedisoni the keys to the family's new home in the 2nd and 3rd Avenue Historic District.

Members of Westminster show the plaque given to Westminster for helping with this Habitat project.

Prayer Shawl Ministers, Barb Moss and Antoinette Mukakabanda give the family fleece blankets for the four little girls.

The oldest daughters of Donacien and Sofila get pink bicycles to go with their new home!

Session members Jim Shanklin and Val Neubauer get ready to paint at the building Site at 1638 3rd Ave. SE.

Barb Mumford does a little caulking before painting begins.

The view from Jim Shanklin's scaffold cam.
Westminster's lunch crew prepares to serve up hamburgers and hot dogs.
Jim Shanklin's "scaffold cam" looks beyond the scaffold to workers.