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Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry Located At 
 Tanager Place | 1030 5th Ave. SE Suite 1700
(Use the 4th Ave Parking lot)
Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30-5:00 p.m.

Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry has been serving Wellington Heights and the surrounding area for nearly 30 years.  For the past 15 years, the pantry was housed in the mission house of Westminster Presbyterian Church at 1251 Third Ave. SE in Cedar Rapids. It is, however a joint ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church and Christ Episcopal Church. Both churches provide financial support for the pantry. Loaves and Fishes also partners with HACAP to provide as much variety as possible for its clients.

In 2020, Loaves and Fishes began a new chapter, moving to the Tanager Building at 1030 5th Ave SE. It's just a few blocks away from the mission house, but provides more room for social distancing, better traffic flow and more storage space for the many foods kept at the pantry. If you know someone who needs food, please let them know about Loaves and Fishes. Our hours are listed above. All are welcome!

Loaves & Fishes is an equal opportunity provider. The link below provides the full USDA non-discriminatory statement

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Pantry Director, Jan Kosowski, eyes the "milk table" - loaded with milk delivered by HACAP.

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Unpacking and sorting bread is just one of the tasks volunteers do each week to prepare for the food distribution.

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The current setup provides pre-bagged items, but offers choice of other items, part of L&F's original plan that choice provides dignity.

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