Strategic Priorities
Westminster Presbyterian Church has set up strategic priorities and a timeline for completion. These priorities will help us start working on making our church vision a reality.
Our vision entails a number of elements:
We hope for inspiring, fulfilling worship and spiritual nourishment.
We want to invite and engage more people in our ministries and missions, including ministry for (though not limited to) the next generation.
We hope to understand and trust each other; to be flexible and resilient; to find shared solutions.
Most important of all, we know we need to lean on God.
Priority #1
Strategic Priority
Team Lead/Staff
Action Items
Priority #1
Team Lead/Staff:
Discerning God's will with the church community.
Gary Teig & Rev. Henderson
1. Create more disciplined, intentional opportunities to learn and practice discernment.
2. Develop capacity to provide spiritual direction.
Priority #2
Team Lead/Staff:
Building small group ministries for the generations.
Val Neubauer & Rev. Henderson
1. Develop Sunday School Curriculum
2. Mentor Potential Sunday School Teachers
Priority #3
Getting to know you - hospitality and outreach
Team Lead/Staff:
Barb Read & Gale Smetana
1. Two congregational potluck dinners by Advent
2. One bridging activity