Westminster Presbyterian Church Sunday Breakfast
Closed for Summer
Back in October!
Sunday Breakfast is one ministry at Westminster that really is good enough to eat! And that's just the point. Karol and Larry Cooper head up this ministry with help from different members of the congregation. From 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. each Sunday, they cook up bacon, eggs, rolls and lots of other yummy surprises.
Members come and go based on what service they attend. A free will offering helps fund the ministry.

The kitchen crew cooks, cleans and serves up a hot breakfast on Sundays during the school year.

Dave Leeper is the omelet maker on special occasions at Sunday Breakfast.
Karol Cooper gets a thank you gift from the Sunday School after she made "Empty Tomb Rolls" for them just before Easter.

Sunday Breakfast is held in what is affectionately known as the "Old Dining Room."