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Westminster's Sunday School features a combination of mission projects for the children as well as learning about being good stewards of God's earth. This fall, the entire church is working on helping to build a school in Kenya and sending gifts to the children who go there. They are learning a bit of Swahili so they can write on the cards they send.

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One of the most memorable times of a child's life is participating in the Christmas pageant at church. This year, our Sunday School kids put on the pageant in place of the Children's Message at church. The smiles on their faces and wonderment in their eyes always makes the pageant special. 

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After a yearlong break due to the pandemic, Westminster's Sunday School will again meet in person beginning Sunday, Sept. 12. There's a new time-9 a.m. in the Synagogue room upstairs. We have lots of fun and learning in store including learning about God's purpose and familiar Bible stories like Noah's Ark and Daniel in the Lion's Den.

A trip to a llama farm was part of Sunday School about Noah's Ark.

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Westminster uses a variety of interactive lessons for kids. Here they tell the story of Jonah and the Whale using musical instruments.

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Westminster has an extensive collection of puppets used to share God's teachings in an interactive way. 

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