Kenya Mission Project
It started as a simple request for a contribution to build a school in a small town in Kenya. The Miharait School, where Westminster member, Veronica Ndungu, had been a student before coming to the U.S., had dirt floors, damaged walls and barely a roof over the heads of the students. Furnishings were antiquated and barely functional.

Enough funds were raised for not just one classroom, but two to better serve students. But, members knew there was more.
In talking with Veronica, it became evident that items like shoes, clothing - even simple, colorful t-shirts would be enjoyed. For fun, so would toys like soccer balls and Legos(TM).
Even our Sunday School kids got into the spirit, learning a little Swahili and creating greeting cards to send to Kenya. The Beacon of Light Ministries youth helped to sew bags for toiletry items. Westminster's Soul Sisters made colorful dresses.

Reaction in Kenya
Children assemble at the Miharati School to greet Veronica Ndungu and her children, Susan and JoJo Kibui. Note: Video clip is in Swahili.

Children try on the dresses the Soul Sisters made for them using t-shirts and bright fabrics. Boys received t-shirts and shorts. Money raised by Westminster also purchased 78 shoes and 70 school uniforms for the children. God is good!
note-the chilldren's faces have been camouflaged to protect their identities.